If you met me in person or if you are a close friend of mine, you'll notice that most of the time I always layer my clothes despite living in a 2 season area (hot or hot-ttterrr!). Yes, I don't dress for the weather, I dress for myself. Before you ask (in your head) yup i do feel hot wearing layer and layer of clothes but i just love it. so sacrifices had to be made haha!
During my break, i am fortunate enough to be able to go to Japan! one of my favourite places to go! Seriously, once go there, once is never enough. Its spring in Japan, where the Sakura season is, although is not as cold as the winter it is still pretty windy and cold especially when it rains.
So I brought all of my coats and jackets (the ones I couldn't wear in my home country) and wore hats for most of the times to give a full look.
Here are some of my layering style when going abroad!